by Easy Dental Blog Team | Aug 17, 2020 | Clinical Efficiency
Did you know that you can rearrange toolbar buttons in Easy Dental? On each workstation, you can re-order the buttons into a configuration that makes sense for you. Keep in mind though, that customizing a toolbar only affects the workstation where the customization...
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by Easy Dental Blog Team | Aug 10, 2020 | Schedule Optimization
Easy Dental allows you to adjust the intervals between recall visits on a patient-by-patient basis. For example, your default prophy schedule is set at six months between visits, but you can customize that interval to every four months for a patient who needs to be...
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by Easy Dental Blog Team | Aug 3, 2020 | Revenue Cycle Management
It’s never too early to start thinking about scheduling patients for their unscheduled treatment-planned work before the end of the year. One tool you can use to find these patients is the Unscheduled Treatment Plans list.This list will display patients and their...
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by Easy Dental Blog Team | Jul 27, 2020 | Business & Team Management
The Easy Dental time clock has a place to enter your team members’ hourly pay rates and salaries. But do you hesitate to enter those numbers because someone might look at what everyone earns and then stir up some in-office salary drama? With a few simple steps, you...
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by Easy Dental Blog Team | Jul 20, 2020 | Schedule Optimization
Almost everyone in the practice looks at the Schedule daily, but different team members, with varying roles, will want to see different information on the appointment. For example, a scheduling coordinator may want to see patient names, phone numbers, and procedures....
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