by Easy Dental Blog Team | Mar 25, 2019 | Patient Record Management
You just talked to a patient, and she told you that she had her first child. You want to send a letter of congratulations for the new baby. Fortunately, Easy Dental has a pre-set “Congratulations – New Baby” Quick Letter that you can generate, print,...
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by Easy Dental Blog Team | Mar 18, 2019 | Patient Record Management
When patients have passed away, moved, or will no longer be seen at the practice, you can change the patient status to “Archived.” Archiving patients simplifies your database and makes selecting patients faster and easier. Keep in mind that you...
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by Easy Dental Blog Team | Mar 11, 2019 | Revenue Cycle Management
Do patients call your office with questions about their billing statements, wondering what the charges listed as “Balance Forward” actually are? When you generate billing statements, the balance forward date defaults to one month ago. Any patient balance...
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by Easy Dental Blog Team | Mar 4, 2019 | Clinical Efficiency
Let’s say you have a patient with a treatment-planned procedure for a two-surface filling on tooth number 3. But when you get them in the chair, it turns out that they need a three-surface filling instead. From the Treatment Plans module, you can quickly edit...
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