by Easy Dental Blog Team | Feb 26, 2021 | Revenue Cycle Management
The Search Payments feature in Easy Dental is a topic we have mentioned before. But did you know you can use the Search Payments feature to accomplish several things? It’s true, you can use it to: Search for all types of payments (cash, check, credit card,...
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by Easy Dental Blog Team | Feb 22, 2021 | Patient Record Management
If your office uses patient alerts then you are probably familiar with the pop-up messages that go along with them. But do you really read the pop-ups or do you just click OK to get rid of them so you can get on with the task at hand? If you feel that these...
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by Easy Dental Blog Team | Feb 15, 2021 | Patient Record Management
Easy Dental has lots of little time-saving features that really add up throughout the day. You can take advantage of several of these time-savers when you enter new patient information in the Patients Module. In fields that require you to type patient information...
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by Easy Dental Blog Team | Feb 8, 2021 | Schedule Optimization
It is a great misconception that scheduling is the easiest administrative job in the practice. That’s why when a new person is hired, especially one with no dental experience, this is where they are placed. Then the clinical team complains because the...
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by Easy Dental Blog Team | Feb 1, 2021 | Schedule Optimization
In the Schedule module, you have access to a group of lists that help you to keep a full schedule, including the ASAP List, the Clipboard List, and the Unscheduled List. You can access these lists from the Schedule module toolbar by clicking the Appt Lists button. The...
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