The Easy Dental Accounts module contains individual line items for every completed procedure, insurance claim, payment, adjustment, finance charge, and late charge made on the account. It can quickly get confusing to look at, particularly when viewing the Accounts module for all family members, or looking at the history transactions for the account.
To help make it easier to locate transactions that relate to each other (payments attached to procedures or claims, for example), Easy Dental has a Show Transaction Links option, which will highlight line items in the Accounts module that correspond with one another.
For example, if you want to see which procedures are included on a particular claim, you can select the claim and use Show Transaction Links to view the procedures and payments attached to that claim.
To view transaction links for an insurance claim:
- In the Accounts module, select a patient.
- Select a claim and click the Show Transaction Links button, or use Alt + Z on your keyboard.

Easy Dental highlights every transaction entry that is linked to the one you selected. This can help to make sense of a potentially confusing Accounts module that is full of entries.

The Show Transaction Links feature will highlight any other related transactions (if any). But, you don’t have to always start with an insurance claim. If you select a payment, and then click Show Transaction Links, procedures and claims will be highlighted.
For additional information, read the Showing Transactions Links topic in Easy Dental Help.