Imagine that you’re following up on a claim that you’ve submitted through Easy Dental eServices. The insurance carrier states that they did not receive your attachment and cannot process the claim. It’s an aggravating situation, to say the least! Should you delete the claim and resubmit it? Or, should you print it and send it by certified mail?
Fortunately, there is an easy way to check the status of the claim and its submission details. When you do, you just might find that the information the insurance company needs has been there all along.
To check a claim’s status, open it from the Account module. Double-click the ‘e’ icon in the claim’s Status block. This ‘e’ is more than just a logo advertising eServices, as it also opens a web browser to your eCentral insurance reports.
Click the claim ID, and you’ll see the details of your submission. In the Attachments section, you’ll see the National Electronic Attachment (NEA) reference number for each attachment. Provide the insurance carrier representative with that number, and they will be able to locate the attachment on their system.
Note: Reporting is generally available online for about 3 months. If you click the ‘e’ and see a blank webpage, and your claim is older than 3 months, contact the eServices Support team for help looking up the information.