In Easy Dental you can set up a completely customized recall system that fits the needs of your practice. You can set up multiple recall types for which you control the name, the interval, the provider, and the time required. And you can customize these types on a per-patient basis, which means you only need to set up one recall type for each kind of recall you want to track.
For example, you don’t need to set up a three-month perio type, a four-month perio type, and a six-month perio type. Instead, you should set up one perio type that can be customized as needed for each patient. If you have multiple types tracking the same kind of recall in your database, patients’ recall dates won’t reset at correct intervals and patients won’t show up on recall lists when they’re expected to.
To clean up recall types:
- Determine which recall types you want to track. In Easy Dental 12.1 and newer, click Settings on the Patient Banner. In earlier versions, click Practice Setup in the Reports module toolbar. Click Practice Setup > Recall Setup. Evaluate each of the recall types listed there and determine whether you want to track them. Make note of the types you don’t want to track.
- Determine which recall types you want to track. In Easy Dental 12.1 and newer, click Settings on the Patient Banner. In earlier versions, click Practice Setup in the Reports module toolbar. Click Practice Setup > Recall Setup. Evaluate each of the recall types listed there and determine whether you want to track them. Make note of the types you don’t want to track.
- Find any patients attached to the recall type(s) you don’t need. Generate a temporary view in the Recall module to find patients attached to the recall type you don’t need. In the Recall module click Views > Temporary View. Select the recall type you don’t need, and set the Due Date Span to Before <ALL> and After <ALL>.
- Re-assign patients to the correct recall type. Using the Recall list you generated in step 3, clear the recall type you want to delete from each patient and assign them to the recall type you want to keep. Select each patient on the list and click Edit > Clear Selected Recall. Note: Before making changes, consider printing the recall list so that you have a record of these patients and their due dates.
- Clear unwanted recall types from inactive patients and non-patients. When patients are inactivated or set as non-patients, their recall types are not cleared. You must also clear the recall types you want to delete from these patients. You can find the inactive patients and non-patients attached to a recall type using Patient Report by Filters in Letters.
- Delete the recall types you don’t need. From Settings, open Practice Setup > Recall Setup. Based on the types you decided to keep in step 1, select one of the types you want to delete, and click Delete. Repeat for all recall types you don’t need. Note: After you complete this step, you should only have one of each type of Recall remaining in the list.
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