Previously we shared information about notes related to scheduling in Easy Dental. Today’s tip will focus on the kinds of notes you can use to document patient information. While you could argue that every kind of note could technically be called patient information, keep in mind that in future tips we will still be covering financial notes, insurance notes, and clinical notes.
Today’s post is about the most common areas you would enter notes that are specific to individual patients:
- Document Notes – Each time you add a document or image to the Document module, you can attach a note to the file as part of the New Document Information dialog box. You can use this note to clarify information about the document being saved. For more information, see the Entering Document Information topic in Easy Dental Help.

- Patient Notes – Patient notes apply only to an individual patient and can be used to keep track of personal patient information that doesn’t belong in more specific areas. You might include information about hobbies, preferences, family situations, and so forth. You can choose to print patient notes as part of the Patient Notes Report. Patient notes are found in the bottom right corner of the Patient module and are blurred until you hover over them with your mouse.

- Patient Alert Notes – Patient alerts are pop-up alerts created for individual patients. You can set a start and end date on patient alerts so that you only see them when the information is timely. You can also set specific tasks in Easy Dental that activate the alert so that you only see it when it is pertinent. For additional information, refer to our previous post titled, A Simple Reminder Goes a Long Way with Patient Alerts.

If you missed it, be sure to see our previous tip about Scheduling Notes.