You just talked to a patient, and she told you that she had her first child. You want to send a letter of congratulations for the new baby. Fortunately, Easy Dental has a pre-set “Congratulations – New Baby” Quick Letter that you can generate, print, and prepare to send in a matter of minutes.
Quick Letters merge patient information from your Easy Dental database with a Microsoft Word letter-template. You can choose from 12 pre-installed templates; or, you can create customized templates to suit your office better.
How To:
- Select a patient.
- From the toolbar of most Easy Dental modules, click the Quick Letters button (or enter ALT+Q on your keyboard) to open the Quick Letters dialog box.
- From the Select Letter list, highlight the letter you want to use.
- Select one of the following options:
- Print – Creates and prints the letter for the patient without letting you review it.
- Build/View – Creates the letter and allows you to view and edit it before it’s printed.
- Open Template – Opens the Word template, which you can view and edit as needed. (If you change the template, you must save it for future use.)
- After you’ve printed the letter from Microsoft Word, click File > Close. A message box appears asking if you want to save the letter — click No. If you click Yes, all merge field information in the template will be replaced with the selected patient’s merge data.
Additional Tips
- After the letter is printed, Easy Dental automatically adds an entry to the patient’s Office Journal, indicating that a letter was sent to the patient.
- To edit a template, select the template, click the Edit button, make your changes, and click OK.
- To create or delete a letter template, read Adding Letters to Quick Letters or Deleting Letters from Quick Letters in Easy Dental Help.
- For additional information on managing Quick Letters, read Quick Letters in Easy Dental Help.