Because your patients’ family situations will vary, there will be times when an active patient has insurance coverage through a subscriber who is not a patient in your practice. This can happen in cases of divorce when the non-custodial parent’s insurance covers a child. And even though the insurance subscriber isn’t a patient, you still need to add them to the active patient’s “family” in Easy Dental and then assign their insurance coverage to the patient.
Use the information below to add a non-patient subscriber to Easy Dental and then assign their insurance to a patient. This process can be a bit involved, so let’s break it down into four steps:
Step One: Select the Patient
Select the patient in Easy Dental who will have insurance coverage through the non-patient subscriber.
- In the Patient module, click the Select Patient/New Family button (Alt + S on the keyboard), search for the patient, and click OK.
Step Two: Add the Non-Patient to the Patient’s Family
Add the non-patient to the patient’s family. Insurance coverage cannot be assigned to a patient unless the insurance subscriber is part of their “family” in Easy Dental — even if the non-patient subscriber is not a blood relative.
- In the patient’s Patient module, click the Add New Family Member button (Alt + A on the keyboard).
- Enter the non-patient’s information in the Patient Information dialog box, and be sure to select Non-Patient from the Status menu.
- Click OK and choose Add As New Address if the non-patient’s address is different from the patient’s address.
- Then click OK.
Step Three: Assign Insurance to the Non-Patient
Assign insurance to the non-patient subscriber.
Note: You can assign primary insurance, secondary insurance, or both to the non-patient using the following steps for both insurance types.
- In the Patient module, from the family member List, double-click the non-patient’s name, and then double-click the Insurance Block.
- In the Insurance Information dialog box, ensure that the non-patient is selected as the Subscriber. If needed, select the Subscriber search button, select the non-patient, and click OK.
- Click the Carrier search button, select an insurance carrier, and enter the subscriber ID.
- Select the Signature on File options, as needed.
- Make sure that Self is selected as the Relation to Subscriber.
Step Four: Assign the Non-Patient’s Insurance to the Patient
With the non-patient added to the patient’s “family,” with their insurance attached, you can assign the non-patient’s insurance to the patient.
Note: There may be more than one patient in the family who is covered by the non-patient. If that is the case, repeat this step for each family member who needs insurance assigned to them.
- From the Family Member List, double-click the patient who should be assigned the non-patient’s insurance, and then double-click the Insurance Block.
- In either the Primary Insurance or Secondary Insurance sections, click the Subscriber search button, select the non-patient, and click OK.
- Change the Signature on File options, if required.
- If needed, correctly change the Relation to Subscriber option to something other than Self.
- Click OK to assign the non-patient’s insurance to the patient.
- Repeat this step as needed for other family members.

The patient is now assigned to the non-patient’s insurance!
To learn more, review the following topics in Easy Dental Help:
- Assigning Insurance to Subscribers
- Adding New Family Accounts
- Assigning Insurance to Non-subscribers
- Assigning Secondary Insurance to Non-Subscribers
- Managing Unique Family Relationships