Insurance companies often require solid justification for treatment. You can include a brief narrative on insurance claims that describe unusual procedures or services you have performed, or provide clarification about the necessity of certain procedures, which will help you avoid costly claim delays or denials.
The Remarks for Unusual Service box is normally the place for this, but there’s a character limit, which varies, based on which claim form you use (usually between 100-350 characters). If you have more to say than will fit here, there is another way to attach longer text narratives.
- Open your favorite word processor to type your narrative, and save the file as either a Plain Text File (.txt) or Rich Text File (.rtf).
- Then, back in Easy Dental, in the account, double-click the claim, and then double-click the Claim Information block.
- Add 1 to the Other Attachment(s) number, and click Include Attachment(s).
- Press the Import File button and browse to where you’ve saved the narrative.
- Click Close and return to the claim.
- Press Print and submit the claim and its attachment electronically.
Important: Do not delete the file from your computer before you submit the claim. After the claim has been submitted, you can clear that file from your computer.