When submitting claims, you can often avoid costly delays or denials by including a brief narrative, which describes unusual procedures or services that you have performed, or which clarify the necessity of certain procedures. In Easy Dental, these narratives are called Remarks for Unusual Services.
For example, insurance companies will often deny crown buildups. But when you complete a needed crown buildup, you can add the following remarks to a patient’s claim, so that the insurance company will be less likely to deny the buildup portion of the claim: “Previous endo on #21. Insufficient tooth strength and retention for the crown.”
To enter a claim remark:
- From the claim, click the Remarks button or double-click the Remarks for Unusual Services block.
- Enter a claim remark in the text box and click OK.
Additional Information
- When entering Remarks for Unusual Services, be aware that only around 100 characters will print on the insurance claim (depending on the claim form being used), and only 125 characters will be sent on an electronic claim.
- You can remove all claim remarks at once by clicking the Clear button.