Do you need a report that shows account balances for a range of dates, accounts, providers, and/or billing types? The Family Accounts report is probably what you are looking for. There are lots of options for the type of information you can include in the report, for example, you can generate year-to-date reports for families with last names from A to J.
The Family Accounts Report can also include family account histories from a beginning date that you specify up to the current date. And, you can list individual patient balances for each family member!
To generate and print this report:
- From the Reports module, click the Account Reports button (Alt + A) and select Family Accounts.
- Enter a Report Date which acts as the ending transaction date for the transactions that appear on the report.
- Enter a range of guarantors, providers, and/or billing types as needed, and enter a First Transaction Date.
- To print more than one family’s report on a single page, check Print Condensed Report.
- To list each family member’s current balance, check List Individual Patient Balances for Family.
- Click OK to send the report to the Batch Processor.
The following example shows the information that appears on the report:

A. Family History – Displays all financial transactions posted to the Ledger, for all family members, for the date range you selected.
B. Family Totals – Displays year-to-date totals for the entire famly.
C. Individual Balances – Displays the current balance for each family member, if you selected List Individual Patient Balances for Family when setting up the report.
Additional Tips
- By Default, the First Transaction Date automatically displays the date for current transactions that have posted since the previous month was closed. For example, if the last month you closed was September, and the selected family has procedures entered beginning October 3rd, then October 3rd will be the default first transaction date. Additionally, all account history will be generated for the family going forward from this date.
- With this, you can enter a beginning date — the First Transaction Date — and an ending date — the Report Date. This grants you the ability to define a “date range” for the report.
- Selecting Print Condensed Report helps to save paper, as there won’t be any page breaks between family reports; however, you wouldn’t want to use this option if you’re printing reports to give to your patients.
- When viewing the report, Easy Dental labels items placed in history with an asterisk (*) and labels items dated in history, but entered after month-end, with a caret (^).
For additional information, read Creating Family Accounts Reports in Easy Dental Help