Let’s say you have a patient with a treatment-planned procedure for a two-surface filling on tooth number 3. But when you get them in the chair, it turns out that they need a three-surface filling instead. From the Treatment Plans module, you can quickly edit the procedure and proceed with the treatment.
To make a last-minute change to a procedure, select a patient in the Treatment Plans module. Double-click the procedure that needs to be changed, make your change(s), and click OK.

Notice that you don’t have to open the patient’s Chart and the procedure can be corrected before it is set complete and moved into history. And if it’s easier to delete the procedure and start over, in the Edit or Delete Procedure dialog box, select the Delete button, click OK. Then create the new procedure from either the Treatment Plans module or the patient’s Chart.
For additional information, read the Editing Treatment Plans and Entering Treatment Plans topics in Easy Dental Help.