One of the most important processes an office will ever implement is a solid accounts receivable action plan. I have witnessed some very creative techniques for tracking patient balances (outside of Easy Dental!) over the years. From Excel tables, to spreadsheets on paper, to lists of accounts on binder paper, to ledger cards in the paper chart – there are a number of unique solutions that I have seen implemented and each will bring challenges to the table.
The biggest challenge I see offices face with an external accounts receivable list is the man power required to maintain this list as it is constantly changing. I equate managing this type of accounting system to chasing a moving target. A moving target is never easy to hit. Hitting that target at any rate of efficiency is going to require a great amount of time, not to mention a high level of technique, skill, patience and TONS of practice.
Any inefficient process will cost you time and money. I am here to help you save the day by introducing a simple, cost-saving and efficient solution for tracking outstanding receivables – the Aging Report.
Generating the Aging Report
The Aging Report is located in Account Reports.
Here are some simple options to consider when generating the report:
- Select Account – With this option you may select a range of accounts. This is great when you want to break up the patient alphabet and review patients with last names beginning with A-M on the 1st of the month and last names N-Z on the 15th of the month.
- Select Primary Provider – This option is designed to separate account balances when you have multiple primary providers within your practice.
- Select Billing Type – In my eyes, this is what billing types were designed for! See the Aging Report Extras section below for more detail.
- Minimum Balance to Print – A great option for excluding accounts with credit balances–simply place ‘0.01’ or greater in this box and all balances less than the number indicated will be excluded.
- Last Payment Before – The date indicated here will filter patient balances by the last payment made by the patient. For example, place 06/01/2018 in this box to only display patients whose last payment was before June 1st.
- Minimum Days Past Due – This selection will remove account balances unless the balance is older than the option selected. If this is your first encounter with the Aging Report, you may want to start with the oldest balances first by selecting the 90 day and over option.
- Sort Options – My favorite option available. You may sort the output of accounts by oldest balance first (over 90 day to current), or you may sort by largest balance first (largest to smallest balance).
- Select Report Types – When necessary, you can produce a report of credit balances only or provider credits.
Aging Report Extras
- Account balances age when you close the month. If you have not been closing your month in Easy Dental, your balances will show an inaccurate aging with an inflated “CURRENT” balance column.
- The option to ‘Print Account Note’ is available in the Aging Report filters. Selecting this option will include the family account notes directly on the report – talk about efficiency!
- Billing Types allow you to produce a custom report on account balances for a select group of patients. Examples include cash patients, ortho accounts, etc.
Every new process you research brings an opportunity to consider the age old phrase “out with the old, and in with the new!” Do not fear the unknown. It is important to seek knowledge to learn how you can improve daily workflows within your office. Your Easy Dental practice management system contains the necessary tools to lead you to success. Please share your success, challenges and questions.
David Broom is Senior Director of Product and Business Development. David has a master’s degree in Information Technology (IT) from the University of Texas in Dallas and has more than 35 years of experience from many global companies such as Hitachi Vantara, Methode Electronics, and Keane, Inc. In his current role, he is responsible for all aspects of the product management and field service teams at Henry Schein TechCentral, which identifies the ideal advanced technologies to meet the unique needs of the dental market and ensure that dental offices are using the right IT to be more efficient and effective.