We live in a time where technology drives our daily activities. Gone are the days of walking to the television to change the channel. In fact, gone are the days of using the remote to change the channel. Technology has advanced to the point that speaking a command can change the television channel, turn on music and even dim the lights without any real physical human activity.
Advancements in technology have taught us to both appreciate and expect that life will become easier when we embrace and accept these technological wonders. It is no surprise, then, when dental offices ask for tips on how to not only better utilize the Easy Dental software, but how to make the software even easier to use. When this conversation arises, there are a thousand directions that we could go. Even though each practice will have its own unique needs, there is one common theme for every single office—shortcut keys.
Keyboard shortcuts are a great avenue for enhancing your data entry processes in Easy Dental. Simply eliminating the time it takes to grab the computer mouse, locate the cursor on the screen and identify the button you wish to click can allow you to process functions with timely, efficient ease.
Here are a few of my favorite shortcut keys:
Shortcut Key Function
Alt + S Select Patient
Alt + A Add New Family Member
Alt + R Refresh
Alt + X Patient Alerts
Alt + E Enter Payment
Alt + P Enter Procedure
Alt + I Create Insurance Claim
Alt + T Medical Alerts
Alt + H Help Menu
Discover more shortcut keys by hovering your mouse over your most-used Easy Dental buttons!
David Broom is Senior Director of Product and Business Development. David has a master’s degree in Information Technology (IT) from the University of Texas in Dallas and has more than 35 years of experience from many global companies such as Hitachi Vantara, Methode Electronics, and Keane, Inc. In his current role, he is responsible for all aspects of the product management and field service teams at Henry Schein TechCentral, which identifies the ideal advanced technologies to meet the unique needs of the dental market and ensure that dental offices are using the right IT to be more efficient and effective.